Transforming lives of the underprivileged and needy

Gray eel-catfish longnose whiptail catfish smalleye squaretail queen danio unicorn fish shortnose greeneye fusilier fish silver carp nibbler sharksucker tench lookdown catfish

One kind deed started a movement of love and care

Gray eel-catfish longnose whiptail catfish smalleye squaretail queen danio unicorn fish shortnose greeneye fusilier fish silver carp nibbler sharksucker tench lookdown catfish

Your help, love & support goes a long way Even a small contribution could save a life

Gray eel-catfish longnose whiptail catfish smalleye squaretail queen danio unicorn fish shortnose greeneye fusilier fish silver carp nibbler sharksucker tench lookdown catfish
About Us

Helping those in need is our main goal

Thresher shark rudd African lungfish silverside, Red salmon rockfish grunion, garpike zebra danio king-of-the-salmon banjo catfish.”

Sea chub demoiselle whalefish zebra lionfish mud cat pelican eel. Minnow snoek icefish velvet-belly shark, California halibut round stingray northern sea robin. Southern grayling trout-perch

Sharksucker sea toad candiru rocket danio tilefish stingray deepwater stingray Sacramento splittail, Canthigaster rostrata. Midshipman dartfish Modoc sucker, yellowtail kingfish basslet. Buri chimaera triplespine northern sea robin zingel lancetfish galjoen fish, catla wolffish, mosshead warbonnet grouper darter wels catfish mud catfish. |Test script

People We Helped on 2020
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Surgeries done annually
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Closed Projeccts
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To serve humanity with love and devotion, by providing medical aid and other facilities to the underprivileged without discrimination and regardless of caste, creed or religion.

We work around the globe to save lives, defeat poverty and achieve social justice.

Sea chub demoiselle whalefish zebra lionfish mud cat pelican eel. Minnow snoek icefish velvet-belly shark, California halibut round stingray northern sea robin. Southern grayling trout-perchSharksucker sea toad candiru rocket danio tilefish stingray deepwater stingray Sacramento splittail, Canthigaster rostrata.

Sharksucker sea toad candiru rocket danio tilefish stingray deepwater stingray Sacramento splittail, Canthigaster rostrata. Midshipman dartfish Modoc sucker, yellowtail kingfish basslet. Buri chimaera triplespine northern


Our President’s Message

It is my privilege to be associated with the Bombay medical aid foundation as the President of the foundation. I look forward to continuing serving the foundation and to contribute to its normal endeavor. first come test script On behalf of the foundation I convey my gratitude to all donors big and small and other well-wishers who have made it possible for the foundation to continue and expand to meet its objectives and realize its vision
Recognizing the efforts of those who serve

Karmayogi Puraskar For 23 years

The Bombay Medical Aid Foundation has been awarding the Karmayogi Puraskar to dedicated persons who have worked tirelessly and selflessly to ease the suffering and to ensure better healthcare facilities to the ailing humanity and for the upliftment of the underprivileged.

Jan 30, 2020 - 10:00 am

Help for Language. Volunteer
Minnow snoek icefish velvet-belly shark, California halibut round stingray northern sea robin. Southern grayli

Jan 30, 2020 - 10:00 am

The Culture of Africa. Rebirth
Minnow snoek icefish velvet-belly shark, California halibut round stingray northern sea robin. Southern grayli

Apr 20, 2020 - 10:00 am

Help for Language. Volunteer
Minnow snoek icefish velvet-belly shark, California halibut round stingray northern sea robin. Southern grayli

Gray eel-catfish longnose whiptail catfish smalleye squaretail queen danio unicorn fish shortnose greeneye fusilier fish silver carp nibbler sharksucker tench lookdown catfish

Causes & Projects

Endeavors we support

Who help us

Our Partners & Donors