With hope, faith & care we march onward

A Foundation dedicated to its mission to serve humanity and help heal those in need of medical care

With each passing year and with each accomplishment we are filled with joy and motivated to do more. There is a constant call to help improve the lives of our fellow beings.  Bombay Medical Aid Foundation continues to reach out and do whatever it can to make a difference.

Expansion of the Palliative Care Centre

to cater to a growing demand

Each year, an estimated 40 million people are in need of palliative care; 78% of them live in low and middle income countries.  Worldwide, only about 14% of people, who need palliative care, currently receive it.

The Palliative Care Centre is often booked to capacity. Thus, recognizing the increase in demand for such care, the Foundation has decided to build an additional floor above the current Palliative care centre itself, thus expanding its Palliative Care services.

Ophthalmology Unit to include Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic Retinopathy, one of the common complications of long-standing diabetes, is the leading cause of visual loss in individuals in many industrialized countries, including India. Treatment for Diabetic Retinopathy is continuously improving with the evolving pharmacologic therapies, laser technology and surgical finesse.

Swami Shraddhanand Charitable Hospital which already has an Ophthalmology Unit would like to upgrade its facilities for the benefit of its patients. It is keen to develop a state-of-art well-equipped centre for prevention, early detection and effective treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy.

It needs funds towards the same – Donate

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Appeal to upgrade services - Diabetic Retinopathy

Commit to make a change

Join hands with us

The Bombay Medical Aid Foundation appeals to you to donate generously to help us achieve our goals. Let us stand apart from the crowd and help such people and patients who are not known to us but still a part of humanity

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Training young adults in Care-Giving

Increased globalization and modernization have brought about health and lifestyle related issues including mental health. The Foundation has trained 50 youth as certified caregivers.  These youth are duly employed in various hospitals, nursing homes and home care giving services, supporting the terminally ill, elderly persons and children with delayed milestones.

In future, we propose to develop regular programs to train the youth for gainful employment and to address the shortage of trained manpower. 

Construction of additional toilets

In line with Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi’s ‘Swachh Bharat’ mission, Bombay Medical Aid Foundation has completed the construction of 12 toilets and water restoration in Village Nangarmoda, Maharashtra.

Propelled by the success of this undertaking, it hopes to take this project forward in order to help communities that are in need of better sanitization and water restoration.